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Mystery Spot Identified—Congratulations David

Over a dozen of you identified the mystery spot as the old (1962) Santa Fe Railroad overpass trestle that spanned Highway 198 for many years. David Miller was the first to identify it and less than 1 minute later, yes, Randy Groom got it too. Thanks to all of you who took a stab at it. I understand that two Santa Fe Railroad signs that were on the overpass have been “saved.” Anyone know where they went?
Suspect a Spirit is Paying You a Visit?
Visalia has had plenty of ghost stories in its long history, and after all these years Visalia now has paranormal investigators, too. So if you are living with unwanted visitors, relief is on the way. According to the website of the Tulare County Paranorm
Just Like 65 Years Ago, the Robins Finally Have Water Again!
On June 13, 2009, Carroll Barnes’ Robin Fountain or birdbath as it is known, was rededicated on the grounds of the Tulare County Library. Water is flowing through the fountain pipes again and the concrete basin offers a refreshing dip for visiting birds. It also gives Visalia a nice visible piece of public art and a peaceful and tranquil gateway to the children’s library. This photograph taken by Sandy Newman shows pret

Yuma, Arizona—the End of the Line for a Famous Visali

Last month, my wife, Lari and I traveled to Yuma, Arizona in pursuit of more information about Arizona Charlie Meadows. His life had more twists and turns than a Manzanita walking stick. This native of Tulare County and soldier of fortune spent his last years in the southwest desert town of Yuma, Arizona. Even in retirement, excitement followed this legendary bigger - than - life showman. Gathered some great history on him but unfortunately, I was unable to get medical reports as to his cause of death. According to Arizona Charlie’s biographer and relative, Jean Beach King, he was “the tragic victim of his own error in judgment.” In 1932, refusing to see a doctor for relief, he “opened” his troublesome varicose veins with a pocket knife. Arizona Charlie died like he lived, pushing life to the maximum and living way beyond the ordinary. His bronze headstone in Yuma’s cemetery lists Visalia as his place of birth.
New Mystery Spot – For the Artistically Inclined
Here’s the mystery object for this issue of HH . On what building is it located? Here are the clues:
1) The metal art is the creation of Three Rivers artist Carroll Barnes, the same man who sculpted the Robin Fountain and the COS Giant.

2) The representation depicted here is that of a special type of bird that symbolizes power.
3) The building on which this artwork is mounted has a special connection to a national holiday in November.
4) This corner building was dedicated in 1952.
What is the building and where is it located? Good luck.

{{}} Rick and Susan Mangini confirmed Visalia’s “Little Italy” was in the area by Bridge and Santa Fe between Noble and Tulare Ave. We really need to map the locations in Visalia of the various ethnic and cultural groups.
{{}} Recently I heard that there could have been tunnels that ran along Mill Creek not to far from the L.J. Williams Theater and may have even connected with it. This is amazing! With all of the tunnel possibilities that have surfaced (no pun intended), Visalia should no longer be called “Oak Tree City”, but “Tunnel Town.”
{{}} The impressive 17,000 square foot Museum of Farm Labor and Agriculture building is going up fast and it will be finished by September 16, 2009. This building is impressive!
“Teeth for Everybody” was an advertisement proudly displayed in the Visalia Weekly Delta Newspaper by Dr. Elmendorf, resident surgical and mechanical dentist, December 19, 1866.